
Thursday, 23 June 2011

Working routes at ravenswick....

Recently the weather has been a bit poor so yesterday, me and Jake Hampshire went down to ravenswick quarry after school to have another crack at the project.

We warmed up on some of the boldering and then Jake made a speedy lead (and not so speedy top-out) of central wall, VS and then we went to try black magic.

Then another climber turned up from whitby for a training seshion, never got his name! Put in the low gear and then began trying it ground up. Got to grips with the moves again and then reached a new high point doing a hard rock over just below clipping the bolt. Then Jake had a crack reaching my high point on his first go. This lads on form despite being bound to his house revising for the last month or so! Had another go after and almost managed the rock over but fell off suffering some nasty rope burn to my leg.

Who knows? maybe im just not doing it right. one things for sure though, i dont want to get the shunt out on it!

And now, with the arrival of our new double ropes, im looking forward to our possible trip to the lakes.......

1 comment:

  1. I remember falling off 'Tax Disc', (just to the left of BM) without a pad and being quite fortunate to walk off, untroubled. Good effort finding gear that holds, are they cams in that break?
