
Thursday, 25 August 2011

Lakes Trip - Borrowdale - shepherds crag - Quayfoot Butress and Wodens face

After an offer of a lift to the lakes and back from Jakes dad, we arrived in borrowdale for our first time climbing in the lakes. First day we headed to shepherds crag to try some of the well known lines. We began climbing at around 9 am, first route, the uber classic, little chamonix which was probably the longest route either of us had done. The climbing is good and quite exposed in places, thankfully we started early and were the first ones on the route.
Jake leading pitch two.

Jake seconding the last pitch.

We also climbed several superb routes on brown slabs, one inparticular of which i though was better than 'little chamonix'. 'Brown slabs arete' climbs in the best position of the butress, with the least polished rock, the best climbing and the best position. Its certainly best climbed in one full pitch of around 40 odd metres.

Jake leading brown slabs arete.
At the top of brown slabs

Top of brown slabs

I then lead brown slabs face with a dirct finish, good but not as good as the arete.

jake seconding the direct finish.

We also decided, despite its ease, that we may aswell climb jackdoor ridge which we did and soloed the majority. still a good route but quite escapable.

After this i decided it was probably time to get on something harder so i tried an E1 to the left and failed rather misserably.

So then i went on to try 'Why not' which is the most appauling route i have ever tried and should never ever be climbed by anyone ever in the universe ever again.

Then jake had ago at 'Derision groove' but then got scared and so down climbed half the route.

Then I had a go and after much troubles in the hot weather with sweaty hands and the odd hold and loose spike breaking off, i dispatched the route!

Then, to finish off we climbed brown slabs (after evil top ropers had finished) which made a good end to our 12 hour epic of a climbing day!

Then we returned to the campsite for noodles.


We awoke to another sunny day despite the forcast and after looking at ther large crag above the campsite and desiding it was well scary, we walked to quayfoot butress and did a really good but easy multipitch, about 60 metres in length. When we decended we thought we had been climbing on the crag with only one other party but we arrived at the bottom to find multipull groups climbing with ropes crossing and a general mix of climbing hazardary.

So off we went to wodens face which was abit of a poor crag but finised off the trip quite well with some nice slab climbing.

Then, as jake seconded the final climb, he dropped the camera out of its case, we lost the battery and madaged to take an abstract photo.

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